
Qualified Online Tuition


I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.

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Rated 5/5 by 12,000 Students

Qualified Online Tuition


I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.

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Rated 5/5 by 12,000 Students


Face To Face Learning

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.


Share And Collaborate

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.


Rewatch Lessons

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

School Groups

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

$650/12 sessions

School Groups

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

$600/12 sessions

School Groups

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

$480/12 sessions

My Core Objectives

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School Prep


Creative Thinking


Mental Arithmetic


Computer Literacy

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Servicios Temporales


Servicios Temporales

Una vez definido o seleccionado el personal, seguimos un riguroso proceso de contratación, el cual inicia con la firma del contrato y creación de la carpeta del empleado con sus respectivas afiliaciones a E.P.S y A.F.P., escogida por el empleado, afiliación ARL Seguros Sura y Caja de Compensación de la ciudad de domicilio y entrega de carta para apertura de cuenta.

Más de 12.000 pymes afiliados a nuestra gran red de servicios temporales


Servicio 5 estrellas con más de 20 años de experiencia y asesoría


Inducciones y capacitaciones constantes

Todos los empleados contratados a través de Tempunir S.A.S reciben una inducción antes de iniciar sus labores, con la cual pretendemos ubicar a la persona en el contexto de la empresa temporal, de la empresa usuaria y del cargo a desempeñar.


Inducciones y capacitaciones constantes

Todos los empleados contratados a través de Tempunir S.A.S reciben una inducción antes de iniciar sus labores, con la cual pretendemos ubicar a la persona en el contexto de la empresa temporal, de la empresa usuaria y del cargo a desempeñar.


Nuestros clientes


My Story

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

Learn More About Me

My Story

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

Learn More About Me